Analog-to-Digital Node Bridge

The ADC bridge takes as input an analog value from an analog node. If the input value is less than or equal to IN_LOW, then a digital output Low is generated. If the input is greater than or equal to IN_HIGH, a digital output High is generated. If neither of these is true, then a digital Unknown value is output.


The use of DAC bridges and ADC bridges can only be useful for components modeled with subcircuits that export digital nodes.


Parameter Description Units Default
IN_LOW The maximum voltage level that will be interpreted as a logical Low. V (DGTGND+DGTPWR)*0.3
IN_HIGH The minimum voltage level that will be interpreted as a logical High. V (DGTGND+DGTPWR)*0.3
FALL_DELAY Output High to Low propagation delay. s DGTTFALL
RISE_DELAY Output Low to High propagation delay. s DGTTRISE