The binary display shows the status of the digital outputs.

The notch in the symbol indicates the pin corresponding to the least significant bit. To reverse the order of the bits, select the symbol and right-click to open the menu. In the menu choose the command Pin Order -> Reverse.


Parameter Description Default
IN_MODE Inputs mode. IN
IOMODEL The name of an I/O model, which describes the device’s loading and driving characteristics. DGTDEFIOMODEL
POWER_NODE Digital power node name. Is the node used by the interface subcircuits which connect analog nodes to digital nodes. $G_DPWR
GROUND_NODE Digital ground node name. Is the node used by the interface subcircuits which connect analog nodes to digital nodes. $G_DGND
COLOR_0S Specifies the color for state=ZERO and strength=STRONG. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF00BFFF
COLOR_0R Specifies the color for state=ZERO and strength=RESISTIVE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF00FFFF
COLOR_0Z Specifies the color for state=ZERO and strength=HIIMPEDANCE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFADD8E6
COLOR_0U Specifies the color for state=ZERO and strength=UNDETERMINED. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF008080
COLOR_1S Specifies the color for state=ONE and strength=STRONG. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFFF0000
COLOR_1R Specifies the color for state=ONE and strength=RESISTIVE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFF08080
COLOR_1Z Specifies the color for state=ONE and strength=HIIMPEDANCE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFFFB6C1
COLOR_1U Specifies the color for state=ONE and strength=UNDETERMINED. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF800000
COLOR_US Specifies the color for state=UNKNOWN and strength=STRONG. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF696969
COLOR_UR Specifies the color for state=UNKNOWN and strength=RESISTIVE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFA9A9A9
COLOR_UZ Specifies the color for state=UNKNOWN and strength=HIIMPEDANCE. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFFD3D3D3
COLOR_UU Specifies the color for state=UNKNOWN and strength=UNDETERMINED. Represent a 32-bit ARGB color. 0xFF708090