The voltage/current at the output terminals is a function of the voltage/current at the input terminals, dependent on the mathematical function of the block.


If the argument of log(), ln(), or sqrt() becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used. If a divisor becomes zero or the argument of log() or ln() becomes zero, an error will result. Other problems may occur when the argument for a function in a partial derivative enters a region where that function is undefined.

The argument of the trigonometric functions are in radians.

Device Description
ABSI Absolute value of input current.
ABSV Absolute value of input voltage.
ABSVR Absolute value of input differential voltage.
ACOSHI Inverse hyperbolic cosine of input current.
ACOSHV Inverse hyperbolic cosine of input voltage.
ACOSHVR Inverse hyperbolic cosine of input differential voltage.
ACOSI Inverse cosine of input current.
ACOSV Inverse cosine of input voltage.
ACOSVR Inverse cosine of input differential voltage.
ADDI Sum of input currents.
ADDV Sum of input voltages.
ADDVR Sum of input differential voltages.
ASINHI Inverse hyperbolic sine of input current.
ASINHV Inverse hyperbolic sine of input voltage.
ASINHVR Inverse hyperbolic sine of input differential voltage.
ASINI Inverse sine of input current.
ASINV Inverse sine of input voltage.
ASINVR Inverse sine of input differential voltage.
ATANHI Inverse hyperbolic tangent of input current.
ATANHV Inverse hyperbolic tangent of input voltage.
ATANHVR Inverse hyperbolic tangent of input differential voltage.
ATANI Inverse tangent of input current.
ATANV Inverse tangent of input voltage.
ATANVR Inverse tangent of input differential voltage.
COSHI Hyperbolic cosine of input current.
COSHV Hyperbolic cosine of input voltage.
COSHVR Hyperbolic cosine of input differential voltage.
COSI Cosine of input current.
COSV Cosine of input voltage.
COSVR Cosine of input differential voltage.
DEGI Returns to the output terminals the value of the current through the input terminals converted from radians to degrees.
DEGV Returns to the output terminals the value of the voltage present at the input terminals converted from radians to degrees.
DEGVR Returns to the output terminals the value of the voltage present at the input terminals converted from radians to degrees.
DIFFERV Differentiator.
DIVI Divide input currents.
DIVV Divide input voltages.
DIVVR Divide input voltages.
EXPI Exponential ex of input current.
EXPV Exponential ex of input voltage.
EXPVR Exponential ex of input differential voltage.
INTEGV Integrator.
LIMIT Outputs a voltage constrained to the limits set by the LO and HI parameters.



Upper limit.


Lower limit.

LIMITV The output is restricted to the range specified by the cntl_lower (-) and cntl_upper (+) inputs.
LNI Return the natural logarithm of input current. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
LNV Return the natural logarithm of input voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
LNVR Return the natural logarithm of input differential voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
LOGI Calculates the decimal logarithm of input current. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
LOGV Calculates the decimal logarithm of input voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
LOGVR Calculates the decimal logarithm of input differential voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
MAXV Maximum of two voltages.
MAXVR Maximum of two differential voltages.
MINV Minimum of two voltages.
MINVR Minimum of two differential voltages.
MULTI Multiply input currents.
MULTV Multiply input voltages.
MULTVR Multiply input voltages.
POWI Raise input current to power specified by EXP parameter. Calculate xy.




POWV Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. Calculate xy.




POWVR Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. Calculate xy.




PWRI Raise input current to power specified by EXP parameter. Use the absolute value of the input. Calculate |x|y.




PWRV Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. Use the absolute value of the input. Calculate |x|y.




PWRVR Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. Use the absolute value of the input. Calculate |x|y.




PWRSI Raise input current to power specified by EXP parameter. If input current is negative, output current will also be negative.




PWRSV Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. If input voltage is negative, output voltage will also be negative.




PWRSVR Raise input voltage to power specified by EXP parameter. If input voltage is negative, output voltage will also be negative.




RADI Returns to the output terminals the value of the current through the input terminals converted from degrees to radians.
RADV Returns to the output terminals the value of the voltage present at the input terminals converted from degrees to radians.
RADVR Returns to the output terminals the value of the voltage present at the input terminals converted from degrees to radians.
RMSV Root Mean Square.
SGNI The output current is -1 volt if the current through the input terminals is negative, 1 volt if it is positive and zero if the input current is zero.
SGNV The output voltage is -1 volt if the voltage at the input terminals is negative, 1 volt if it is positive and zero if the input voltage is zero.
SGNVR The output voltage is -1 volt if the voltage at the input terminals is negative, 1 volt if it is positive and zero if the input voltage is zero.
SINHI Hyperbolic sine of input current.
SINHV Hyperbolic sine of input voltage.
SINHVR Hyperbolic sine of input differential voltage.
SINI Sine of input current.
SINV Sine of input voltage.
SINVR Sine of input differential voltage.
SOFTLIM Outputs a voltage constrained to the limits set by the LO and HI parameters. Uses a continous curve limiting function (tanh).



Upper limit.


Lower limit.



SQRTI Return the square root of input current. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
SQRTV Return the square root of input voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
SQRTVR Return the square root of input differential voltage. If the argument becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used.
STPI If the current through the input terminals is negative then the output current is zero, otherwise the output current is 1 amps.
STPV If the voltage at the input terminals is negative then the output voltage is zero, otherwise the output voltage is 1 volt.
STPVR If the voltage at the input terminals is negative then the output voltage is zero, otherwise the output voltage is 1 volt.
SUBI The difference of input currents.
SUBV The difference of input voltages.
SUBVR The difference of input voltages.
TANHI Hyperbolic tangent of input current.
TANHV Hyperbolic tangent of input voltage.
TANHVR Hyperbolic tangent of input differential voltage.
TANI Tangent of input current.
TANV Tangent of input voltage.
TANVR Tangent of input differential voltage.
UNARYI Unary minus of input current.
UNARYV Unary minus of input voltage.
UNARYVR Unary minus of differential input voltage.
URAMPI If the current through the input terminals is negative then the output current is zero, otherwise the output current is equal to the input current.
URAMPV If the voltage at the input terminals is negative then the output voltage is zero, otherwise the output voltage is equal to the input voltage.
URAMPVR If the voltage at the input terminals is negative then the output voltage is zero, otherwise the output voltage is equal to the input voltage.