The switch of Relay is a resistor that varies between specified values of a controlling input voltage.

The switch is not quite ideal, in that the resistance can not change from 0 to infinity, but must always have a finite positive value. By proper selection of the RESON and RESOFF resistances, they can be effectively zero and infinity in comparison to other circuit elements.


Parameter Description Units Default
NOMV Nominal voltage. V 12V
COILRES The coil resistance. Ω 300Ω
COILIND The coil inductance. If equal to zero, the inductance is not used. H 10mH
HOLDV Holding voltage. If not specified is calculated from the nominal value. V  
PULLIN Pullin voltage. If not specified is calculated from the nominal value. V  
TON Minimum impulse time for pullin. s 10ms
TOFF Minimum impulse time for dropoff. s 10ms
RESON On resistance. Ω 10mΩ
RESOFF Off resistance. Ω 1GΩ
TSWITCH Switching time. Within the specified time, the resistance value varies continuously between the current value and the new value. Must be greater than zero. s 1ms