Use these sources to create sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms.

You must specify a value for the VO, VA and FREQ parameters; The remaining parameters, if not specified, are assigned a default value.


Parameter Description Units Default
Value Frequency of the sinusoidal voltage or current. This value is used only if no value is specified for the parameter FREQ. V or A  
DC DC Amplitude of the source used in operating point analysis. V or A 0
VO DC offset voltage or current. Used to adjust the DC bias of the signal generator with respect to the negative terminal (usually ground). V o A  
VA Peak amplitude of the sinusoid. V o A  
FREQ Frequency of the sinusoidal voltage or current. The frequency can also be specified in the VALUE field of the symbol. If both FREQ and VALUE are specified, FREQ takes precedence. Hz  
TD Delay time until the source voltage commences. Provides a phase shift of the output by delaying the start of the sine wave. s 0
THETA Damping factor. Sets the rate at which the sinusoid decreases in amplitude. A positive value results in an exponentially decreasing amplitude; a negative value results in an exponentially increasing amplitude. A zero (0) value gives a constant amplitude sine wave. 1/s 0
PHASE Phase shift of the sinusoid at time zero. degrees 0
ACMAG AC Magnitude of small signal voltage or current. Set this if you plan to do a small signal AC analysis based on this source. V or A  
ACPHASE AC Phase of small signal voltage or current. Set this if you plan to do a small signal AC analysis based on this source. If phase is omitted, a value of zero is assumed. degrees  
DISTOF1 Set this if you plan to do a distortion analysis based on this source. Specify the amplitude and phase using space as separator. If phase is omitted, a value of zero is assumed.    
DISTOF2 Set this if you plan to do a distortion analysis based on this source. Specify the amplitude and phase using space as separator. If phase is omitted, a value of zero is assumed.