The Net classes define the Net styles. They include the Wire style in the schematic and the DRC and Routing classes for the PCB.

The Default class

The Default class defines generic settings.

To add a new Net class

  1. Select the Default class.

  2. Click the New Class button.

  3. In the dialog box, specify the name of the class.

  4. Click Ok.

To remove a Net class

  1. Click on the name of the class to be removed.

  2. Click the Delete Class button.


Wire Style

Choose the style of the wires.

Ratsnest Style

Choose the style for the connection lines.

Net Label Style

Choose the style for the Net Labels.

Color of highlighted nets

Choose the style for the tracks when they are highlighted.


DRC Class

Set the DRC class between the net of this class relative to the net of any other class.

To set the DRC class between the nets of this class relative to the nets of a specific class

  1. Click the Add DRC button.

  2. In the dialog, specify the list of classes separated by a comma. To assign the DRC class to all combinations between the specified classes, check the Use all combinations option.

  3. Click Ok.


Routing Class

Set the routing class.

Routing Priority

Set the priority.

Routing Layers

Set the available layers to route the Nets of this class. When you choose Selection, the list of layers appears. Select the available layers to route the Nets of this class.

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