You can define constants to use in expressions. The constants defined in this tab are only valid for the current Job. To define external constants valid for all Jobs see To define functions and constants for expressions.

Digital Constants

This section contains the list of constants that define the logical levels of digital operators. These constants are used by digital operators (NOT,AND,NAND,XOR,OR,NOR) in numerical expressions with vectors obtained as simulation results. See Numeric expressions.


Defines the maximum voltage level that will be interpreted as '0' by a digital input.


Defines the minimum voltage level that will be interpreted as a '1' by a digital input.


Defines the maximum voltage level that will appear on a digital output set to '0'.


Defines the minimum voltage level that will appear on a digital output set to '1'.


Defines the voltage level that will appear on an undefined digital output.

Define constants of real and complex numbers

You can define both constants of real numbers and constants of complex numbers. For complex numbers you must first specify the real part and then the imaginary part by separating them with a comma. To add a constant, click on Add and specify the name, the value of the constant and a short description.

See also