The class for reading and writing files.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
DlxFile Constructs a DlxFile object from a path.


Name Description
AddFile Adds a file to a compressed zip archive.
AddFolder Adds a folder to a compressed zip archive.
AddText Adds a text file to a compressed zip archive.
Close Closes a file.
Copy Copy the file.
Delete Deletes the file.
Exist Check if the file exists.
FindItemByExt Search for a file within a compressed archive based on the file extension.
FindItemByName Search for a file within a compressed archive based on the file name.
GetFileFolder Retrieves the folder where the file is contained.
GetFileExt Retrieves the file extension.
GetFileName Retrieves the file name.
GetFilePath Retrieves the full file path of the file.
GetFileTitle Retrieves the file title.
GetItemExt Retrieves the extension of a file in a compressed archive.
GetItemLength Retrieves the length of a file in a compressed archive.
GetItemName Retrieves the name of a file in a compressed archive.
GetItemPath Retrieves the full path of a file in a compressed archive.
GetItemTitle Retrieves the title of a file in a compressed archive.
GetItemsCount Retrieve the number of files in a compressed archive.
GetLength Retrieves the length of the file.
GetPosition Retrieves the current file pointer.
IsEOF Check if the end of the file has been reached.
IsValid Check if the object is a valid DlxFile.
Move Renames the file.
Open Opens the file for which a path has already been specified.
ReadAll Reads the data of a text file from the current position to the end of the file.
ReadLine Reads the data of a text file from the current file position to the end of the line.
ReadNext Reads data from a text file from the current file position.
ReadAt Reads data from a binary file from the specified location.
Seek Positions the current file pointer.
UnzipFile Uncompresses a file from a compressed archive.
Write Writes data in a file to the current file position.
WriteByte Writes a byte to a binary file at the current file location.

See also