The graphic documents page.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
CloseUndo Closes the Undo Stack for drawing object management operations.
DeleteLayer Removes the layer from the page.
DeleteView Removes the view from the page.
DrawBoard Adds a PCB profile.
DrawCutout Adds a cutout in the PCB.
DrawFrame Create a Frame object.
DrawHole Adds a hole in the PCB.
DrawHotspot Create a hotspot.
DrawKeepout Adds a keepout in the PCB.
DrawReference Adds the reference in a footprint definition.
DrawTHPad Adds a through-hole pad in the PCB.
DrawValue Adds the value in a footprint definition.
DrawVia Adds a via in the PCB.
EnableUndo Enables or disables the recording of operations on objects.
GetActiveView Returns the active view.
GetDocument Returns the document to which the page belongs.
GetFlags To get the page property flags.
GetLayer Returns the specified layer.
GetLayerCount Returns the number of layers on the page.
GetLayerFromType Returns the specified layer.
GetLayerIterator Returns the iterator that can be used for iteration or layer retrieval.
GetMultiLayer Returns the specified layer.
GetName Returns the name of the page.
GetNextLayer Gets the layer identified by the iterator.
GetNextView Gets the view identified by the iterator.
GetSelection Returns the current selection.
GetView Returns the specified view.
GetViewCount Returns the number of views on the page.
GetViewIterator Returns the iterator that can be used for iteration or view retrieval.
IsPCBPage Verify if the page is a PCB.
IsValid Returns true if the object is a valid page otherwise returns false.
LoadLayerStack Initialize the layer stack by loading it from a file on disk.
NewLayer Adds a new layer in the page.
NewView Adds a new view in the page.
OpenUndo Opens the Undo Stack for drawing object management operations.
PurgeUndo Empty the undo stack.
SaveLayerStack Export the layer stack to a file on disk.
SelectView To select a specific view.
SetFlags To set the page property flags.
SetName Set the name of the Page.

See also