Single and Multiple Transparent Data Latches

The data output (Q) of the latch reflects the data (D) input while the gate enable (G) input is High. The data on the D input during the High-to-Low gate transition is stored in the latch. The data on the Q output remains unchanged as long as G remains Low.


Parameter Description Units Default
IC Output initial state.   LOW
DTPLH Delay from data to out high. s DGTDELAY
DTPHL Delay from data to out low. s DGTDELAY
LETPLH Delay from enable to out high. s DGTDELAY
LETPHL Delay from enable to out low. s DGTDELAY
IN_MODE Inputs mode.   IN
OUT_MODE Outputs mode.   OUT
IOMODEL The name of an I/O model, which describes the device’s loading and driving characteristics.   DGTDEFIOMODEL
POWER_NODE Digital power node name. Is the node used by the interface subcircuits which connect analog nodes to digital nodes.   $G_DPWR
GROUND_NODE Digital ground node name. Is the node used by the interface subcircuits which connect analog nodes to digital nodes.   $G_DGND