The analog voltmeter is characterized by high internal resistance so as not to affect the circuit under test.


Parameter Description Default
SCALE Sets the properties of the instrument. This parameter must have at least 6 fields spaced by a space character. The form is:
<units> <T0> <T1> <T2> <T3> <T4> [<T5>[<T6>]]

units is the unit of measurement: µV, mV, V. For AC voltmeters use the prefix ~.

T0 is the full scale on the left.

T4 is the full scale on the right for a four subdivisions scale.

T5 is the full scale on the right for a five subdivisions scale.

T6 is the full scale on the right for a six subdivisions scale.


V 0 # 5 # 10 : DC Voltmeter shown in the image above.

V 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 : DC Voltmeter shown in the image above.

~V 0 25 50 75 100 : AC Voltmeter shown in the image above.

RES Value of the internal resistance. 1GΩ