To view the calculator, choose the Calculator command from the View menu.
The calculator calculates the expression contained in the text box and reports the result in the lower box.
The expression to be evaluated can be single or multiple. In a multiple expression, individual expressions must be separated by a semicolon character.
For example, the following is a single expression:
while the following is a multiple expression:
a=1; b=a+2; a+b
In a multiple expression it is allowed to assign any intermediate results to local variables (related to the expression). The final result of a multiple expression is that of the last evaluated expression.
To evaluate the expression, press the ENTER key.
To enter a carriage return, press SHIFT+ENTER.
The C button clears the edit box. The Open button displays the dialog box for choosing the file from which to import the expression. The Save button allows you to save the expression in the edit box to a file.
For more information about expressions, see Numerical expressions.