Toggle Flip Flop

The digital toggle-type flip flop is a one-bit, edge-triggered storage element which will toggle its current state whenever the clk input line transitions from low to high (ZERO to ONE). In addition, set and reset signals exist, and each of the three methods of changing the stored output of the d_tff have separate load values and delays associated with them.

Note that in asynchronous mode any UNKNOWN input on the set or reset lines immediately results in an UNKNOWN output.

Port Table

Description Direction Default Type Allowed Types Vector Vector Bounds Null Allowed
toggle input IN d d NO   NO
clock IN d d NO   NO
clock enable IN d d NO   YES
data IN d d NO   YES
load data IN d d NO   YES
set IN d d NO   YES
reset IN d d NO   YES
data output OUT d d NO   YES
inverted data output OUT d d NO   YES

Parameter Table

Name Description Data Type Default Value Limits Vector Vector Bounds Null Allowed
DELAY generic delay Real 1.0e-9 1e-12 / - NO   YES
CLKTPLH delay from clock to out high Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
CLKTPHL delay from clock to out low Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
PRETPLH delay from set to out high Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
PRETPHL delay from set to out low Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
CLRTPLH delay from reset to out high Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
CLRTPHL delay from reset to out low Real 0 1e-12 / - NO   YES
IC output initial state (0=low, 1=high, 2=unknown) Int 0 0 / 2 NO   YES
T_LOAD toggle load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
CLK_LOAD clk load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
SET_LOAD set load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
RESET_LOAD reset load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
DATA_LOAD data load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
LOADDATA_LOAD loaddata load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
CLKENABLE_LOAD clock enable load value (F) Real 1.0e-12   NO   YES
MODE 0=asynchronous Set and Reset.
1=synchronous mode. Reset has precedence over Set.
3=synchronous mode. Set has precedence over Reset.
Int 0   NO   YES


a8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 flop3
.model flop3 d_tff(delay=13e-9)

See also

XSPICE Devices
XSPICE Code Models