When you open a document, it is displayed in a single window. In some cases it is useful to be able to display different portions of the same drawing at the same time, or at different levels of magnification, in multiple windows.

When opening multiple windows for the same document, each window can be controlled independently of the others. For example, you can set a different magnification level in each window, select a different view, and scroll through each window independently of the others. When you edit the drawing in one window, the changes are immediately visible in the other windows as well.

The names of all open windows are shown at the bottom of the Windows menu. To activate a window, simply select its name in the menu. You can use the commands Cascade, Tile horizontally, Tile vertically to reorder all open windows.

The Cascade command resizes all windows and overlaps them so that you can see the title of each window.

The Tile horizontally command resizes all windows and places them from top to bottom covering the entire height of the main window so that you can see them at the same time.

The Tile vertically command resizes all windows and places them vertically covering the entire width of the main window so that you can see them at once.

The Add icons command aligns all icons with the base of the main window.

The A tabs command with labels at the top, resizes all windows and arranges them covering the entire main window so that you can see only one at a time. The labels with the names appear at the top of the main window.

The A tabs command with labels at the bottom, resizes all windows and arranges them covering the entire main window so that you can see only one at a time. The name labels appear at the bottom of the main window.

To open a new window

To open a new window, select the New window command in the Window menu. When a new window opens for the same document, each window is assigned a progressive number (e.g. Drawing1:1, Drawing1:2 etc.).

See also