Contains the general settings. Available options include user data, startup settings, and default color settings.


This tab allows you to enter or edit user data and preferences.


User's reference name. This data is stored in the Job and appears in the information displayed when you click on a file name in the Open file dialog box.

If this data is not specified, the Windows user name is used.


Choose your preferred language. The set value takes effect the next time you start the application. If there is no resource file for the chosen language, the one corresponding to the alternative language will be used. The default is the Windows user language.

Alternative language

Choose the alternative language if your preferred one is not available. If there is no resource file for the chosen language, the one corresponding to the English language will be used. The default value is English (United States).


Reset interface on next run?

Restores all user interface elements (menus, toolbars, and panels) to their initial configuration.

At startup

Reopen the last job

Automatically open the last job when starting the program.

Reload libraries when the application starts

Restore libraries that were open during previous use.

Show messages and news when the application starts

Open a page with information about new features or changes to the program each time is started.

Restart manager

Backup interval (minutes)

Sets the time interval for automatic backup of open documents in . The default value is 5 minutes.


This feature allows you to save copies of the open job at user-defined intervals. I documenti possono quindi essere recuperati se viene chiuso in modo imprevisto. When unexpectedly closes, a new instance of is automatically started and the last saved backup file is reopened.


When a job is opened and automatic saving is enabled, the file will not be saved automatically until you make the first change to the job. After the file is automatically saved, it will not be saved until the next saving intervals have expired if further changes are made.


The backup files are saved in the folder BACKUP.

Status bar

Use default settings

Use the default font and font size.

Font size

Choose the font size for the texts in the status bar. The default is 8.

Font family

Choose the font to use for the texts in the status bar. The default is Verdana.

List boxes

Sets the width of the list boxes (Layers, Views, Pages and Snaps) in the toolbars.

Width of the Views box

Set the size of the Views box. The default value is 250 pixels.

Width of the Layers box

Set the size of the Layers box. The default value is 250 pixels.

Width of the Pages box

Set the size of the Pages box. The default value is 250 pixels.

Width of the snap grid box

Set the size of the snap grid box. The default value is 250 pixels.

Edit boxes

Allows you to set the character used in the edit boxes in the dialog boxes.

Font size

Choose the font size for the texts in the edit boxes. The default value is 8.

Font family

Choose the font to use for the texts in the edit boxes. The default value is Verdana.

Report boxes

Allows you to define the appearance of the report boxes in the dialog boxes and in the Messaggi panel.

Text color

Choose the color of the texts in the report

Modified text color

Choose the color of the texts that have been changed from the default value.

Background color 1

Choose the background color of the odd numbered lines of the report.

Background color 2

Choose the color of the even rows of the report.

Color of lines

Choose the color of the lines separating the rows.

Color of title text

Scegliere il colore del titolo delle sezioni del report.

Background color of title

Scegliere il colore dello sfondo del titolo delle sezioni del report.

Coordinate box

Sets the appearance of the coordinate box on the toolbar.

Box width

Set the width of the Coordinate box. The default value is 150 pixels.

Library panel

Sets the appearance of the Libraries panel when graphical symbol display is enabled.

Background color

Set the background color of the panel.

Color of the box contour

Set the color of the outline of the boxes containing the image of the symbols.

Initial color of the box background

Set the initial color of the box background gradient.

Final color of the box background

Set the final color of the box background gradient.

Color of selection frame

Set the color of the frame that indicates the selected symbol.


Sets the appearance of the calculator. To activate the calculator choose the command Display » Calculator.

Input: Font size

Choose the font size for the expression texts. The default value is 9.

Input: Font family

Choose the font to use for the expression texts. The default value is Courier new.

Output: Font size

Choose the font size for the result. The default value is 12.

Output: Font family

Choose the character to use for the result. The default value is Verdana.


Sets the appearance of the Navigator

Colour of navigator view

Choose the color of the frame that delimits the visible area of the document.


Sets the appearance of the box that displays the coordinates of the cursors in the diagrams.

Font size

Choose the font size for the texts in the cursor box. The default value is 9.

Font family

Choose the character to use for the texts in the cursor box. The default value is Verdana.

Attribute editor

Sets the font to be used in the object attribute editor.

Font size

Choose the font size. The default value is 9.

Font family

Choose the font to use. The default value is Courier new.


Set preferences for documentation.

Default datasheet link

Set the search string to use when there is no reference to an information page on the selected device. In the search string use the %$ pair of characters to indicate the location in which to enter the device name.

The default value is"%$"+"data sheet" which opens a search on Google.


By default, the interface is displayed in shades of gray. You can set to appear in other color combinations.

The selected color scheme will be activated the next time the application is restarted.

See also