This window allows you to set the parameters to define the style of the Chart objects.


Outline style

Select the style of the outline of the rectangle that encloses the diagram.

Background style

Select the background style of the rectangle enclosing the diagram.

Shadow style

Choose the style for shading the rectangle enclosing the diagram.


Outline style

Choose the style for the outer edge of the chart.

Background style

Choose the style for the background of the chart.

Major grid line style

Select the grid line style.

Minor grid line style

Select the grid line style.

Grid baseline style

Select the baseline style of the grid.

Diagram title style

Select the style to use for the diagram title.

Axis title style

Select the style of the axis title.

Axis text style

Select the style of the axis text.

Vector name style

Select the style of the names in the vector legend.

Spacing from shape outline

Specify the width of the border.

Spacing after diagram title

Set the distance between the base of the diagram title and the top edge of the graph.

Spacing after the title of the axes

Set the distance between the base of the axis title and the axis texts.

Distance between text and grid

Set the distance between the axis texts and the graph box.

Spacing of the vector list

Specify the spacing in the vector legend.

Length of the sample

Specify the length of the example stretch in the vector legend.

Legend position

Choose the location of the vector legend.

Use the color table

If this option is enabled then for multi-dimensional vectors a different color is used for each dimension. Colors can be set in Application Properties » Diagrams.

Complete Smith grid

Specifies how Smith's grid is drawn.


Cursor A style

Choose the style for the line representing cursor A.

Cursor B style

Choose the style for the line representing cursor B.

Cursor A label style

Choose the style for the text of cursor A.

Cursor B label style

Choose the style for the text of cursor B.

Number of decimal places

Specify the number of decimal places.

See also