Placing a probe object on a wire or pin is equivalent to placing a multimeter or oscilloscope probe at that point in the circuit. The waveform of the signal detected by the probe is displayed in the connected diagram. All types of variables can be plotted, from analog node voltages to the internal parameters of the instances of the SPICE components.


A probe object must always be placed on a wire or on the body of an SPICE component so that its origin point identifies the object to which it is assigned.

Place the probe on a wire to measure the node voltage.

Place the probe on the body of an SPICE component to detect the measurable parameters of the component. See the list of parameters in the Device instance parameters section of the simulator documentation.

Place the probe on the end point of an output pin to measure the voltage on the pin. If the pin has no connections, activate the Load to ground option of the probe to automatically insert a load resistor between the pin and GND.

Place the probe on the end point of a pin to measure the node voltage.

Place the probe on the end point of a bus-enabled pin to detect all signals carried by the pin.

To add a Probe

  1. Choose the Schematic » Place Probe command or click the tool in the toolbar. The Place Probe dialog box opens where you can specify the quantity, spacing and name of objects.

  2. Place the objects and click to insert them into the drawing.

  3. The Place Probe dialog appears again, click on Cancel to finish the command.

Commands and options

See also