Regular polygons are closed shapes with at least three sides. Since the sides of regular polygons are the same, the use of a polygon simplifies the design of squares, equilateral triangles, hexagons, octagons and so on.

The polygon is created with the current pen style and is filled with the current fill style.

To draw a polygon circumscribed to a circumference

A polygon is defined as circumscribed to a circumference when its sides are tangent to the circumference. Use this mode when you know the distance between the center of the polygon and the midpoint of each side.

  1. Choose the Graphics » Shape » Draw Polygon command or click the tool in the toolbar.

  2. Specify the center of the polygon.

  3. Press the TAB key to change the way the polygon is constructed so that the tool vector goes from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of one of its sides.

  4. Complete the drawing of the polygon by specifying the midpoint of one side. This determines the radius of the circumference and the inclination of the polygon. You can use the pointing device or you can open the dialog box for entering values. In the dialog box, the coordinates of the endpoint can be specified as follows:

    • By typing the point coordinates directly.

    • By specifying the offset from the starting point.

    • Specifying the inclination of the line relative to the horizontal axis and its length.

To draw a polygon inscribed in a circle

A polygon is said to be inscribed in a circle when its vertices are on the circle. Use this mode when you know the distance between the center and the vertices of the polygon.

  1. Choose the Graphics » Shape » Draw Polygon command or click the tool in the toolbar.

  2. Specify the center of the polygon.

  3. Press the TAB key to change the way the polygon is constructed so that the tool vector goes from the center of the polygon to the vertex.

  4. Complete the drawing of the polygon by specifying the size of the polygon. This determines the radius of the circumference and the inclination of the polygon. You can use the pointing device or you can open the dialog box for entering values. In the dialog box, the coordinates of the endpoint can be specified as follows:

    • By typing the point coordinates directly.

    • By specifying the offset from the starting point.

    • Specifying the inclination of the line relative to the horizontal axis and its length.

To draw a polygon by specifying a side

Use this mode when you know the length of the sides of the polygon.

  1. Choose the Graphics » Shape » Draw Polygon command or click the tool in the toolbar.

  2. Specify the starting point of one of the polygon segments.

  3. Press the TAB key to change the way the polygon is constructed so that the tool vector describes one side of the polygon.

  4. Complete the polygon drawing by specifying the end point of the polygon segment. This determines the size and inclination of the polygon. You can use the pointing device or you can open the dialog box for entering values. In the dialog box, the coordinates of the endpoint can be specified as follows:

    • By typing the point coordinates directly.

    • By specifying the offset from the starting point.

    • Specifying the inclination of the line relative to the horizontal axis and its length.

Commands and options

See also