This attribute allows you to specify the list of component pins in the order in which they are required by the simulation model.

Pin numbers must be separated by at least one space character or a comma.

If the component contains multiple parts then the lists of pin numbers for each part must be arranged on separate lines or separated with a semicolon character.

<part1_pin1>[,<part1_pinN>]* [;<partN_pin1>[,<partN_pinN>]*]*

If the value of the PINS attribute is changed when the symbol is inserted in the schematic, the number that the pin assumes in the symbol in the library must be inserted for each pin and not the number displayed in the schematic.

Non-connected pins

All the pins listed in the PINS attribute must be connected in the schematic and cannot be left floating otherwise an error message will be generated. To specify that a pin can be left floating and therefore not connected in the schematic, the asterisk character must be placed before the pin number (there must be no space between the asterisk and the pin number). For unconnected pins, the analog ground net (node 0 or GND) is inserted in the netlist.

Example: Transistor

For BJT transistors (Q-type elements) the pin order required by the model is as follows:


If the symbol of a BJT transistor has pins numbered as follows:

then the value of the PINS attribute is: 1,2,3

if, instead, the pins are numbered in the following way:

then the value of the PINS attribute is: 3,2,1

Example: TL084

TL084 contains four operational amplifiers. The pin layout in a DIP case is as follows:

The simulation model consists of a subcircuit with the following header:

*              | INVERTING INPUT
*              | | POSITIVE POWER SUPPLY
*              | | | NEGATIVE POWER SUPPLY
*              | | | | OUTPUT
*              | | | | |
.SUBCKT TL084  1 2 3 4 5

so the pin order required by the model is as follows:

IN+, IN-, Vcc+, Vcc-, OUT

consequently, the value of the PINS attribute for the operational amplifier TL084 is as follows:




The string specified in the CARD attribute is repeated as many times as there are parts defined in the PINS attribute and a unique suffix is added to each generated element. For example, if the value of the CARD parameter is as follows:

%?#<%RX %# %S>

and the component reference is U1 the following four SPICE declarations are generated:

XU1_A n3 n2 n4 n11 n1 TL084
XU1_B n5 n6 n4 n11 n7 TL084
XU1_C n10 n9 n4 n11 n8 TL084
XU1_D n12 n13 n4 n11 n14 TL084

note that each declaration is subject to the condition %?# so it is generated only if all pins related to it are defined.

Pin order for SPICE elements

Device Pin order Description

B - Non-linear Dependent Sources

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the positive and negative nodes. Positive current is assumed to flow from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node.

C - Capacitor

node1(+) node2(-)

The first node (node1) is defined as positive. The voltage across the component is therefore defined as the first node voltage minus the second node voltage. Current flow from the first node through the component to the second node is considered positive.

D - Diode

node1(+) node2(-)

Are the positive (the anode) and negative (the cathode) nodes. Positive current is current flowing from the anode through the diode to the cathode.

E - Linear Voltage-Controlled Voltage Sources

node1(+), node2(-), ctrl_node1(+), ctrl_node2(-)

node1(+), node2(-): are the positive and negative output nodes. ctrl_node1(+), ctrl_node2(-): are the positive and negative controlling nodes.

F - Linear Current-Controlled Current Sources

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the positive and negative nodes. Current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node.

G - Linear Voltage-Controlled Current Sources

node1(+), node2(-), ctrl_node1(+), ctrl_node2(-)

node1(+), node2(-): are the positive and negative nodes. Current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node. ctrl_node1(+), ctrl_node2(-): are the positive and negative controlling nodes.

H - Linear Current-Controlled Voltage Sources

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the positive and negative nodes.

I - Independent current source

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the positive and negative nodes. Positive current is assumed to flow from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node. A current source of positive value forces current to flow out of the node1(+) node, through the source, and into the node2(-) node.


nodeD, nodeG, nodeS

Are the drain, gate, and source nodes.

L - Inductor

node1(+) node2(-)

The first node (node1) is defined as positive. The voltage across the component is therefore defined as the first node voltage minus the second node voltage. Current flow from the first node through the component to the second node is considered positive.


nodeD, nodeG, nodeS, nodeB

Are the drain, gate, source, and bulk (substrate) nodes.

O - Lossy Transmission Lines

A_node1, A_node2, B_node1, B_node2

A_node1, A_node2: are the nodes at port A. B_node1, B_node2: Are the nodes at port B.

Q - Bipolar Junction Transistors

nodeC, nodeB, nodeE

Are the collector, base, and emitter nodes.

R - Resistor

node1(+), node2(-)

The first node (node1) is defined as positive. The voltage across the component is therefore defined as the first node voltage minus the second node voltage. Current flow from the first node through the component to the second node is considered positive.

S - Voltage-controlled Switch

node1(+), node2(-), ctrl_node1(+), ctrl_node2(-)

node1(+), node2(-): are the nodes between which the switch terminals are connected. ctrl_node(+), ctrl_node(-): are the positive and negative controlling nodes.

T - Lossless Transmission Lines

A_node(+), A_node(-), B_node(+), B_node(-)

A_node(+), A_node(-): are the nodes at port A. B_node(+), B_node(-): are the nodes at port B.

U - Uniform Distributed RC Lines

node1, node2, node3

node1 and node2 are the two element nodes the RC line connects, while node3 is the node to which the capacitances are connected.

V - Independent voltage source

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the positive and negative nodes. Positive current is assumed to flow from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node.

W - Current-controlled Switch

node1(+), node2(-)

Are the nodes between which the switch terminals are connected.


nodeD, nodeG, nodeS

Are the drain, gate, and source nodes.

See also