You can search for words or characters in the current document. You can also search and replace words or characters with the specified replacement text.

To search for specific characters or words

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Choose the Edit » Find command or click on the tool in the toolbar.

    • Press the key combination CTRL+F.

  2. The dialog box in which to specify the text to search opens. In the dialog box, specify the text string to be searched, set the search mode and then click the Find button.

To search for other occurrences of the same text

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Choose the Edit » Find Next command or click on the tool in the toolbar.

    • Press the F3 key.

To replace specific characters or words

  1. Choose the Edit » Replace command or click on the tool in the toolbar.

  2. The dialog box in which to specify the text to be searched opens. In the dialog box, specify the text string to search for, the one to use as a replacement, set the search mode, then click the Find next button and finally click Replace. To replace all text occurrences, click Replace all.

See also