It is possible to obtain a tabular report of the data relative to some vectors directly in the text document. You can define the range of values to be included in the report and the horizontal or vertical orientation of the report.

To create a report

  1. Choose the Vectors » Report command.

Vectors in the report

This box lists the vectors included in the report.

To add a vector to the report

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. The dialog box for selecting the vector appears.

To remove a vector from the report

  1. Select the vector.

  2. Click the Remove button.

To change the order of the vectors in the report

  1. Select the vector to move.

  2. Click the Before button or the After button.

To change the data format

  1. Select the vector.

  2. Click on the field in the row for the vector:

    • Format and choose the numeric format.

    • Decimals to choose the number of decimal places.

    • Value to specify the value of complex numbers to be entered in the report. The value of this field is not considered for real numbers.

Specify the range of values to be entered in the report

You can define the range of values to be entered in the report by specifying an expression in the Condition box. The expression must give a result other than zero at the values to be included in the report and a zero value for the values to be discarded. The variable curindex that contains the current value of the vector scan index (starting from zero) is defined.

Example 1:
To include in the report only the values corresponding to the time interval between 40n e 60n: time[curindex]>=40n && time[curindex]<=60n.

Example 2:
To include in the report only the values corresponding to the negative values of the real part of the complex vector A1: curindex<length(A1) && re(A1[curindex])<0.

 curindex<length(A1) ensures that the expression is correctly evaluated if the length of vector A1 is less than that of the other vectors included in the report.

For more information on expressions see Vector expressions.

Reduce the number of points to be included in the report

Specify in the field Reduce points every how many points must be taken the data to be included in the report. For example, if you indicate 2, one point every two is printed.

Giving a title to the columns

You can rename the column headings. Specify column headings by separating them with a comma in the Column Title box. If not specified, in reports with vertical development the titles of each column correspond to the names of the vectors. To leave the column header blank, specify the asterisk character as the header.



The report has a horizontal rather than a vertical layout

Group by type

Causes vectors to be grouped by type.

Include header

The report includes the header of the data set.

Include index column

A column is added on the left with the row number index.

Deletes existing text

The text document is emptied before the report is generated. If this option is disabled, the report is appended to the existing text.

See also