A logical grouping of data, similar to transparent acetate overlays on a drawing.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Name Description
DrawAlignedDimension Creates an aligned dimension object.
DrawAngularDimension Creates an angular dimension for an arc, two lines, or a circle.
DrawAttribute Creates an attribute object.
DrawBus Creates a line of bus.
DrawBusentry Creates bus input terminals.
DrawBezier Creates a Bézier spline.
DrawClipart Insert a clipart into the drawing.
DrawCopper Creates a copper area.
DrawCourtyard Creates a courtyard.
DrawCurve Creates a cardinal spline.
DrawDiagram Inserts a diagram into the drawing.
DrawDiametricDimension Creates a diametric dimension for a circle or arc given the two points.
DrawEllipse Creates an ellipse, a circle or an arc.
DrawFrame Create a Frame object.
DrawHorizontalDimension Creates a horizontal dimension line object.
DrawHotspot Create a hotspot.
DrawImage Inserts a bitmap image into the drawing.
DrawKeepout Creates a keepout area.
DrawLeader Creates a leader line based on the provided coordinates.
DrawLine Creates a line passing through two points.
DrawNetlabel Adds a Netlabel in the schematic.
DrawPad Adds a pad in the PCB.
DrawParagraph Creates a paragraph of text.
DrawPath Creates a path from a list of vertices.
DrawPin Adds a new pin.
DrawPolygon Creates a polygon from a list of vertices.
DrawPolyline Creates a polyline from a list of vertices.
DrawPort Creates a port.
DrawPowerPort Creates a power port.
DrawProbe Creates a probe.
DrawRadialDimension Creates a radial dimension object.
DrawRectangle Creates a rectangle.
DrawReference Creates a DlxReference object.
DrawShape Create a shape consisting of lines, curves, and arcs.
DrawSheet Adds a sheet to a drawing.
DrawTable Adds a table to a drawing.
DrawText Creates a single line of text.
DrawTrack Creates a track on the PCB.
DrawValue Creates a DlxValue object.
DrawVerticalDimension Creates a vertical dimension line object.
DrawWire Creates a wire.
GetBackObjectIterator Returns the iterator from the back object of the layer.
GetDocument Returns the document to which the layer belongs.
GetFlags To get the layer property flags.
GetFrontObjectIterator Returns the iterator from the front object of the layer.
GetName Returns the name of the layer.
GetNextObject Gets the next object for iterating.
GetObjectCount Returns the number of objects on the layer.
GetPage Returns the page to which the layer belongs.
GetPrevObject Gets the previous object for iterating.
GetType Returns the layer type.
IsEmpty Check if the layer contains objects.
IsValid Returns true if the object is a valid layer otherwise returns false.
SetName Set the name of the layer.

See also