Use this dialog when you need to have precise control over the scaling factor of a single object or group of objects.


To open this dialog, choose the Resize command in the Operations menu or click the button on the toolbar. This dialog box is also displayed when you select the Resize command from the menu of a hook.

Scale factor

Horizontal scale

Specify the horizontal scaling factor.

Vertical scale

Specify the vertical scaling factor.

Same proportions

Specifies that the proportions of the object to be resized must remain the same.

Center of Symmetry

The buttons in the panel allow you to specify the point to be used as a reference for the resizing operation. You can select a point on the perimeter of the selection rectangle or the center of the selection itself.

External profile

Check this box to take into account the thickness of the pen used to draw the outline of the object.


If you check this box, the object is resized so that its hotspot is always positioned at the same coordinates.


If this box is checked, the object is resized with respect to the selection reference point. See the Centre of transformation.


If you check this box, the object is resized so that the clicked hook is always positioned at the same coordinates. This option is only available if the Resize command has been selected from a hook's menu.

See also