Frame objects are used to define symbols in the creation of symbol libraries.



Specify the part number. How the part number is interpreted also depends on the status of the following options:

Full symbol

Among the options of the frame object. Indicates that the frame describes the complete symbol.

The page describes a single component

Among the properties of the page where the frame object is defined. To set this option, open the page properties dialog by pressing CTRL+ALT+G and set the parameter in the Symbols group.

If the Page describes a single component option is selected then all symbols defined on the page refer to the same component and each of them can represent the whole component or a single part of the component (for components with multiple parts). The different parts are identified by the part number. Symbols with different part numbers represent different parts of the component. Symbols with the same part number represent, in a different form, the same part of the component; for example, three symbols with the same part number can represent the forms: normal, De-Morgan and IEEE. Part numbers range from 0 to 255. Part number 0 is reserved for the Power part (part with only the component power pins). For symbols describing the entire component, the option Full symbol must also be set.


Specify the name to be assigned to the symbol.


In this box you can specify other names for the symbol. The names must be separated with a semicolon character.


Set the category to which the symbol belongs. The categories are defined in the properties of the Job in the Library group. Eight categories are available. For example, in a library you can define the three categories: normal, De-Morgan and IEEE.


Enter a brief description of the symbol.

Box width

Specify the width of the frame in which the symbol description is displayed.


Full symbol

If this option is enabled, it indicates that the frame describes the complete symbol.

Virtual device

Enable this option for symbols that do not represent a real component. For example, symbols specific to the simulation such as the SPICE directives.

PCB device

Enable this option for symbols that do not represent a real component. For example, PCB-specific symbols such as SMD jumpers or printed inductances.

Description centered

Center the description in the box.

Hide the name

If this option is enabled, the name is not displayed.

Hide the number

If this option is enabled, the number is not displayed.

Hide the description

If this option is enabled, the description is not displayed.

Reposition the name

If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the name is automatically repositioned.

Reposition the number

If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the number is automatically repositioned.

Reposition the description

If this option is enabled, when the frame object is changed the description is automatically repositioned.


Select the style from the proposed list or create a new style.

Footprint Attributes

This tab lists specific attributes for footprints.

3D Model

In this tab you can specify the 3D model to associate with the component. The list box lists the 3D models embedded in the Job.

You can translate, rotate, and resize the 3D model to position it exactly on the footprint.


Command Description

This box lists the 3D models embedded in the Job.

Opens the dialog box where you can choose the 3D model to import.

Incorporates the 3D model into the Job. The model is saved in the Job in the 3D Models folder. If the Job is distributed, it is convenient to embed the external 3D models.

Setting parameters for 3D models imported from files.

Allows you to change the colors of 3D models imported from external files.

Delete the imported 3D model.


This tab lists all the internal attributes associated with the symbol. Internal attributes have a name and value and can be used to associate information to objects. For example: the internal code, the price etc. See Dialog box: Attributes.

See also