All the parameters of a component card or folder are displayed in its properties window where you can edit them accurately.

To change the properties of a component or folder

Perform the following operations:

  1. Click the component card or folder you want to edit.

  2. Open the properties window in one of the following ways:

    • Double-click on the element.

    • Press the key combination ALT+Enter.

    • Click the button in the toolbar.

    • Activate the context menu with the right mouse button and choose the command Properties.

  3. In the dialog box, change the parameters and click on OK.

To change the properties of a group of components

All properties common to the selected components can be changed at the same time. When you open the properties dialog of a selection, each property is associated with a status box .

  1. Select the components to be modified. If you select a folder, all components included in the folder are selected.

  2. Open the selection properties window. Choose the command Block Change from the menu Modify or click the button in the toolbar.

  3. Change the common parameters and tick the corresponding status boxes. Changes will only be made for properties whose status box is checked .

  4. Click on OK.

See also