The Footprint Wizard tool.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Static Methods

Name Description
AddInput Adds a new line to the input parameter list.
AddIPCLevels Adds the parameter for setting the IPC level of the footprint.
AddLibraryInfo Adds parameters for inputting some information about the component.
AddSeparator Adds a separator line with a title to the input parameter list.
CalcAxialSpacing Calculate the distance between the pads of a through-hole device.
CalcHoleDiameter Calculate the diameter of the hole from the pin size.
CalcPadDiameter Calculate the diameter of the pad from the diameter of the hole.
CalcSMDPadLength Calculate the length of the pads of an SMD device.
CalcSMDPadWidth Calculate the width of the pads of an SMD device.
CalcSMDPadSpacing Calculate the distance between the pads of an SMD device.
Define3DStyle Defines a parameter that represents a material of the 3D model.
DefineAttributes Sets the designator and value of the component.
DefineBoolean Defines a boolean parameter.
DefineBrushStyle Defines a parameter that represents the brush style
DefineDimension Defines a numerical parameter indicating a dimension.
DefineDimensionRange Defines a numeric parameter indicating a dimension.
DefineImage Defines the images used in the script.
DefineListBox Defines a parameter that can only assume the values shown in a list box.
DefineNumber Defines a numerical parameter.
DefinePCento Defines a numerical parameter indicating a percentage.
DefinePadStyle Defines a parameter that represents the style of the pad.
DefinePenStyle Defines a parameter that represents the pen style.
DefineString Defines a string parameter.
DefineTabs Defines the tabs used for parameter entry.
DefineTextStyle Defines a parameter that represents the style of the text.
DisableParam Disable the modification of a parameter.
DrawCourtyard Adds the courtyard to the footprint.
DrawPad Adds a pad in the footprint.
Format Writes formatted data to a string.
Get2DImageCtx Gets the drawing context of the 2D image layer.
Get3DModelCtx Gets the drawing context of the 3D model.
Get3DStyle Gets the style for 3D objects.
GetAssemblyCtx Gets the drawing context of the assembly layer.
GetBrushStyle Gets the brush style.
GetColor Get the color.
GetCourtyardSize Gets the width of the courtyard built around the footprint.
GetDashStyle Gets the dash style of the line.
GetDeviceValue Gets the value of the component.
GetFontStyle Gets the font of the text.
GetHatchStyle Gets the pattern style of the fill.
GetIPClevel Gets the IPC level of the footprint.
GetLegendLineWidth Gets the value of the thickness of the lines drawn on the legend layer.
GetLegendToPadSpace Gets the minimum allowed distance between the graphics drawn on the legend layer and the pads.
GetPackageUI Gets the unique identifier assigned to the package.
GetPadBoundingBox Gets the rectangle bounding the pad.
GetPadsBoundingBox Gets the rectangle that delimits all the pads of the footprint.
GetPadHotspot Gets the coordinates of a pad's origin.
GetPadStyle Gets the style of the pads.
GetPenStyle Gets the pen style.
GetRotation Gets the rotation angle of the footprint.
GetTextStyle Gets the style of the text.
GetValue Gets the typical value of a parameter.
GetValueMax Gets the maximum value of a parameter.
GetValueMin Gets the minimum value of a parameter.
IsAutoPadStyle Check if automatic mode has been set for the style.
Printf Prints formatted output to the standard output stream.
SetFootprintName Set the name and description of the footprint.
Trace Prints formatted output to the standard output stream only if the script is executed in debug mode.

See also