Adds a vertex to the shape.

DlxFigure.AddPoint(x, y)
DlxFigure.AddPoint(point, arcFactor = 0)


Parameter Description
x x-coordinate of the point.
y y-coordinate of the point.
point A DlxPoint object with the coordinates specifying the point.
arcFactor The value of this parameter specifies the amplitude of the angle formed by the arc that joins the last vertex of the shape with the vertex specified by point. The value is in degrees and must be zero to specify a straight line segment. Positive values mean the arc is drawn counterclockwise.

Return Value

If the operation ends correctly it returns true otherwise it returns false.


  Copy codeCopy code
var prj = DlxApp.GetJob().GetProject("Example Sch");
if (!prj.IsValid())
  prj = DlxApp.GetJob().NewProject("Example Sch");
var doc = prj.GetDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
if (!doc.IsValid())
  doc = prj.NewDocument("Examples Sch", DlxApp.DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC);
  doc.SetPageFormat("A4", true);
if (doc.IsValid() && doc.Activate())
  var page = doc.GetActivePage();
  if (page.IsValid())
    var layer = page.GetLayerFromType(DlxApp.LAYERTYPE_DRAWING);
    if (layer.IsValid())
      // draw shape
      // draw shape
      var andShape = layer.DrawShape();
      var figure = andShape.GetFigure();
      figure.AddPoint(new DlxPoint(95,153.75));
      figure.AddPoint(new DlxPoint(101.25,153.75));
      figure.AddPoint(new DlxPoint(101.25,146.25), -180);
      figure.AddPoint(new DlxPoint(95,146.25));

See also