Activate the tool to acquire the coordinates of a point.

DlxGraphixDocument.ToolPickPoint(toolId, nPoints, showMode = DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWLAST, pointTitle = "", firstPoint = null)


Parameter Description
toolId A numerical value that identifies the tool. This value is passed to the function that handles the OnToolPickPoint event.
nPoints Number of points to be acquired. Specify a value between 1 and 32. If you specify -1 you can acquire a variable number of points.
showMode Specify one of the following values:
DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWNONE Segments drawn by the tool are not displayed.
DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWALL All segments drawn by the tool are displayed.
DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWLAST Only the last segment drawn by the tool is displayed.
DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWRECT The rectangle identified by the two points is displayed. The rectangle is empty.
DlxApp.TOOLPICKPOINT_SHOWBOX The rectangle identified by the two points is displayed. The rectangle is filled.
pointTitle The names of the points to be acquired separated by the newline character '\n'. It is shown in the tool menu and in the dialog box for entering the coordinates of the point.
firstPoint If you need to capture more than one point, you can specify the starting point. If you do not want to set the initial point, do not enter this parameter.

Return Value

If the value of nPoint is 1 it returns a DlxPoint object with the coordinates of the point. Use IsValid to verify that the point is valid. If the value of nPoint is 2 it returns a DlxSegment object with the coordinates of the points. Use IsValid to verify that the segment is valid. If the value of nPoints is greater than 2 or is -1 an array of DlxPoint objects is returned. Check the length property of the array to determine the number of points returned.


At each mouse movement, this tool generates the OnToolPickPoint event. Create a function to handle the OnToolPickPoint event if you want to customize the operation of the tool.


See the script Draw spiral.clxjs.

See also